
目前顯示的是 2017的文章

Film Review- Freier Fall (Free Fall)

It is a rarity to me to search a movie actor in hopes to discover his/her acting in other movies. An German actor named Max Riemelt, who plays as one of the main characters in the Netflix series “Sense8” and caught my eyes, as I looked into it, I found his early work “Freier Fall”, a gay movie. I could not help but watch this movie immediately. In the movie, I saw a man who was not fully aware of his true sex aptitude until he met Kay (Max in the movie) in the police training school. This guy has a wife who is pregnant, but at same time he is having a secret relationship with Kay and he surely does not want his wife to know. Truth has to come to light sooner or later, no matter in what way, at least this is what I think. The more you want to hide the truth, the more it hurts when your beloved ones find out. That is what happened to Marc. His parents cannot accept this, his innocent wife invited Kay to a party but only to find out this made many people uncomfortable. Kay spoke from...

20170525 Interview with HPAIR

Yesterday, the HPAIR committee informed me of an upcoming interview today, hence I started sifting information on their website and asked google how can I get myself ready for this. With time constraint, since I still need to work during the day, I had little time to prepare, but they made the call on time, I picked it up, our conversation thus began. The guy from the other side of the phone is a undergraduate student from Harvard Univ. (I think), he quickly asked me to briefly introduce myself, why would I want to apply for HPAIR 2017 in Sydney. Simple question, simple answer. That was the first one. Later on, he followed up with Asian countries are facing environmental injustice, along with disproportionate energy use, what phenomenon did you see and how would you tackle this problem? You got me, this is too big of an issue. “if I claim that I have a solution or a technique that can solve this problem, call me bluffing.” But I am here to propose some simple solutions that...


On mother’s day, Taipei seems to me like an empty town again as mostly people are coming back home to spend time with their dear moms. I was going to stay in my tiny room and watch bunch of movies then call it a day, but Amy randomly threw this idea of going mountain climbing at Xizhi while we were having dinner with Terumi and others from Mengyen family. We came to a consensus very quickly, we were praying the weather would be good. Not to our disappointment, the sunlight came creeping in my room, I had a feeling that today will be very exciting. Amy invited her cousin, Orika, to join the trip. So here we go! 2 locals plus 2 Japanese, I knew this could be a lot of fun! We planned to take bus F911 to TianShiu Temple but we missed it, and it would take another 90 min. until the next came, that’s why we grabbed taxi instead. It was raining when we reached there, luckily it didn’t last long. There were not many tourists, I guess people prefer to go somewhere less energy-consuming on th...

2017.02.27-03.07 Cycling around Taiwan

腳踏車環島之旅 緣起 第一次興起想環島的念頭,是我大二還住在台科宿舍裡,但室友們都是一群來自中國大陸的交換生,當中兩個人和我說他們已經租好腳踏車,兩個禮拜後見,說完,他們就真的上路了。我從他們回來後告訴我,台灣真的很適合環島,不論是在土地面積的差異上,或是沿途所能經歷的風景上。我想:天啊 ! 我怎麼對台灣還這麼不了解呢 !? 忘記是誰曾經這麼對我說過: 如果連台灣都還沒玩完的話,幹嘛這麼急著出國旅遊呢 ? 沒錯,所以環島這件事,就這麼被標記在我的人生清單上,等著被完成了。 準備 在我兵役將近尾聲時,在 World Business Dialogue 論壇上認識的台灣朋友- Andrew 突然問我有沒有興趣和他一起騎單車環島,於是我倆一個人找住宿、一個人規劃路線、景點,並且在出發前用 Skype 開會互相對過資訊以後,準備工作就這麼告一個段落。我騎的腳踏車是和 James 借, Andrew 則向捷安特租來的。 環島的難題 第一次環島,我們都習慣把事情想得太美麗、太簡單,覺得一支手機在手,任何問題都能解決。分享幾個比較大的問題: 一、 事前暖身、事後拉筋 原本的夥伴還有一位 Andrew 的高中同學,就在他們從台北南下的路途中,他的腳意外的受了傷,嚴重到必須放棄環島,回到台北後須拄拐杖。這讓我們意識到安全第一,以及出發前的暖身和晚上的收操一定要做得確實。 二、 爆胎 我的環島第一天,就在雲林嘉義的邊界上意外地讓後輪被一個特粗螺絲釘給刺穿,由於是第一次在道路上維修,花費了將近一個小時才能重新上路;第二天, Andrew 也爆胎了,我們甚至不小心在拆卸輪胎過程中讓一個螺帽給彈落在草叢裡面,花了好大功夫才找了回來;第三天,我又爆胎,而且還一連爆了兩次,原因是我在加油站為輪胎打氣的時候,灌了太多氣,內胎就硬生生原地爆炸!這炸了可嚴重了,連同外胎也被炸得有些畸形,鐵絲外插,造成過不久後又發生內胎被刺破的慘事。 三、 腳踏車種類 很多路人見到我們一起騎車都不免想問我,一台登山車和一台公路車,兩者在路面上的速度差異非常大,要怎麼追上 ? 只能說,除了 Andrew 的配合以外,我也得花更多的腿力才能看到他的車尾燈,有時候大腿的痠痛是很難以想像的。 四、 住宿地點選擇 以一般人體力來說,一天...