2014.12.18 Anabel Zu Hause Party

Today I went to Anabel’s zu Hause party again. She said that would be the “semester-end party” which meant after this one, you probably have to wait till the next semester, but for me it would be the last time we had party at her place. Left it behind, I brought some beers with me and I also saw quite a few familiar faces including Kathi, Stephan and Matthias. I met new people there every time, and I met a guy called Dennis who lives in Hannover and I will visit him during my Christmas trip. And since I brought a 1 liter Faxe beer, they asked me to drink it in a traditional way, which was digging a hole in the bottom, and waiting for 10 seconds for the oxygen to come out, then you start drinking from the small hole and open the can at the meantime, something amazing happened. The beer kept coming out of the small hole nonstop. I couldn’t finish the whole one liter and wasted it in the sink but I think I still managed to drink for 400 ml. they took a video while I was drinking, my t-shirt was so wet! You should only try this way in a bathroom or kitchen. 

I felt so uncomfortable because I drank very fast. We still had a good time there and I left at around 12.30. Although I will be going to Munich next morning, but compare to Anabel’s party, getting up early is nothing.




iProspect實習心得-第八周 (The End)
