
Today ended in climax after climax of tight schedule. Firstly, I went to Poy’s and we Taiwanese, Thai and Korean had a cooking party! We had Thai and Korean foods but no Taiwanese…

As you all know, these two countries’ foods can’t go without “spice” everything is spicy on the table!
Jena is shaving the potatoes and making a pancake!

How the pancake looks like

Korean rice cake, tastes crispy

Thai spicy chicken

 The only food I could bring is snack like potato chips and cola. Secondly, we went back with others from Avenarius. Party started at 8p.m. everyone was waiting for Rodrigo, the birthday guy. I could see his surprising face when he got in the roof. He was totally in a “what happened” situation.

HBD Rodrigo

 There were more than 20 students even some local Germans sneaked in and had a great time with us. So many people had to use my bathroom a bit because they drank too much. It’s a special experience for me hearing Kyle and Robyn, one from America and one from England, talking about the history of the two big countries. Well, I’m really not a party animal, that’s why I went back to my room at 11:30 while others still getting high until 2a.m. 




iProspect實習心得-第八周 (The End)
