2014.10.25 Day Trip to Passau

Today woke up at 6am, ready to go to Passau, one of the most beautiful towns in Germany. My physical condition was okay but I still needed more water. The sun still hadn’t risen yet but it rose on our way to Passau. I saw quite a lot of new faces when I was on the bus, they were also internationals but they came in October. There was a little traffic jam so it took us 3 hour and I had quite enough sleep thanks to it. 

We were split into 2 groups and each group had a tour guide, after the guided tour he suggested us a local restaurant where we could had lunch, but we got lost. 
Our tour guide: Alex Macdonald

 2 floods in one week is normal in here, the 2nd worst flood of all time here was in last year, people are quite used to this.

17 century dom

We spent quite a long time in the restaurant because they served the meal so slowly!!


 Our tour guide said, since Passau is on the border of Germany and Austria, there is no local food but more like Austrian food, such as Schnitzel. By the time when we went out the restaurant, it was already 3, and our meeting time was 5. Finally we just went to an Irish pub to try their local beer and watched their soccer game, city against city, German always love soccer. I really enjoyed this three-river-town, although I didn’t walk across the river and climb up to the castle. 

girl from Vietnam

Ivy- girl form Hong Kong




iProspect實習心得-第八周 (The End)
